Recent engagements

Heather and I are so lucky to have the best clients! Our clients are our best means of advertising and we are so blessed to be able to get so many referrals from them that there is no need for us to even advertise! Hannah and Brandon contacted us after we shot their friends, Lacey and Matt’s wedding. thanks for the referral Lacey and ms. Shannon. 🙂
Hannah and Brandon were so easy to work with. they pretty much did every thing heather asked them do including climbing a tree. we had a great time shooting their engagement session and are looking forward to their wedding!

**disclaimer for future clients** Heather is the crazy one and will always ask you to do crazy things. If this occurs and it really is crazy, then I will try to save you! 😉


i’m loving the colors in this one:




any clients that we can convince to climb tress have got to be good. 🙂

aren’t they a beautiful couple?

Heather and I are looking forward to our two weddings the next two weekends in a row! we are definitely staying busy!! 🙂

~ by makemoments on February 17, 2009.

3 Responses to “Recent engagements”

  1. You two take the best pictures! But, I will have to say that your truest accomplishment is making Monroe look like a beautiful place to live! The couple is beautiful; I really like the one with the chinese shades.

  2. This message is for Brandon: Hey Cousin! It’s cool to know that we share the two best photographers in the entire world! Your’s and Hannah’s pictures look GREAT! I am so happy for ya’ll. Say hey to Aunt Lena and the rest of the family for me.

  3. Hey!! those pics are great. I agree w/Serena about the beautiful couple and making Monroe look beautiful. You did a great job.

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